
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)小题1:G___ from a key university is alway...
答:小题1:Graduating小题2:reliable小题3:organized小题4:determined小题5:recognized小题6:expressions小题7:earthquakes小题8:fluent小题9:journey小题10:recovering 试题分析:小题1:因为做主语,所以用动名词Graduating小题2:前面有be动词,所以后面是形容词reliable意思“可靠的”小题3:前面有助动词h...

答:2.我以为你们只是开个玩笑,但我没想到这个玩笑可以开那么久。I thought you were just joking with me but I didn't know that this joke can carry on for so long.3.这个世界除了黑与白,中间还有一道灰。In this world, apart from black and white, there is still a shade of grey in...


答:1. was → were 主语...Games视为复数,所以谓语动词不能用三单形式was 2. prevented和competing中间加入from 固定短语:prevent sb (from) doing sth,变成被动即:be prevented from doing sth.注意:被动句中的from不能省略。3. for → of foolish是指人的性格/品德,也可以用来修饰sb,所以用...

答:steal 偷,窃 steal sb sth. steal sth.(from sb.)rob 抢 rob sb. of sth. rob sth.cheat 欺骗 cheat sb.

答:清除自己退出势力的冷却CDcheat UnlockAllStaticMark 地图全开cheat ForceGuildOwner 获取所在部落主公权限cheat JoinGuildFromViewActor 强制加入面对建筑的部落(如果部落人数上限则无法加入)cheat ShowGMBillBoard true/false 开关显示GM广告牌(true开false关)cheat TestAlliance 12 0 0 强制解散自己所在联盟...

cheat deceive lie 有什么区别
答:两者通常不能互换.例句:The mother cheated the child that there was no chocolate at home.孩子的妈妈骗孩子说家里没有巧克力了.He deceived $500,000 from the bank but was arrested last month.他诈骗了银行五十万元,但上月被捕了.cheat 和deceive 用法基本一致,只是cheat 除了欺骗和诈取的意思...

答:使用方法:代码数量较多,可以用CTRL+F快速搜索你要查找的内容。代码格式:请参照下面的物品ID >>例:giveitemnum 2 1 1 false 给普通突击步枪 1个(2是物品ID,参考下方数字使用。第一个数字1是物品数量,第二个1 false是道具品质)。代码如下:1 、Simple Pistol简易手枪 2 、Assault Rifle 突击...


答:6. You just stay away from me please.(求你离开我) 7. If you are ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave, just run, just run away. ...9.If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill, as God as my witness, I’ll never be hungry again! (即使让我撒谎,去偷,去骗,去杀人,上帝作...


广彭17833098081: cheat sb (out) of sth 是什么意思 -
双阳区鲍静:: 从某人那骗取某物,或者是阻止某人做某事

广彭17833098081: it is hard to tell cheat from the real deal翻译成中文是什么意思 -
双阳区鲍静:: 在实际交易当中很难识别诈骗 tell 有辨别的意思

广彭17833098081: cheat造句 -
双阳区鲍静:: 既可可数,又可不可数名词1,可数名词,eg.Someone who is a cheat does not obey a set of rules which they should be obeying 2,cheating,不可数名词,eg.In an election in 1988, he was accused of cheating by his opponent

广彭17833098081: 英汉翻译:远离(词组),骗子 -
双阳区鲍静:: 远离:be far away from/keep distance 骗子:swindler;cheat;trickster;fraudulent person