
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

business processes是什么意思
答:business processes的中文翻译 business processes 业务流程 双语例句 1 Also, there may be business processes that map onto the composite key data.此外,也有许多业务流程是对应组合键数据的。2 Second, analytics enables you to optimize your business processes to minimize redundancies and inefficien...

企业标准的英文缩写 还有企业程序的缩写应该怎么写?在线等

哪位高人帮我把这个摘要翻译成英文 急!!!
答:accurate grasp of logistics enterprises in the market position of enterprises assets, personnel, business processes, such as the reorganization and broaden the network of services, improving logistics facilities. Formation and adapt to market needs of the service system....

答:企业资源规划 ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning)的合理运用已经改变了企业运作的面貌。ERP通过运用最佳业务制度规范business practice以及集成企业关键业务流程business processes来发问和提高企业利润,市场需求反应速度和企业。同时,企业处在日新月异的市场机遇、价格和服务水平等的挑战环境中,必须不断改变、...

私人银行类 英文翻译

答:E-commerce environment, producers will demand to carry out the production, its sales will be assisted by computers and networks to complete, will completely change the traditional business mode of business processes. 企业经营环境的革命性变化必然导致会计管理的内涵和外延发生革命性变化,信息技...

答:电子商务的英文如下:Electronic business, commonly referred to as "eBusiness" or "e-business", may be defined as the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of all the activities of business.Commerce constitutes the exchange of products and services ...

答:Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is an enterprise-wide information system designed to coordinate all the resources, information, and activities needed to complete business processes such as order fulfillment or billingAn ERP system supports most of the business system that maintains in a single data...

答:ERP:英文为Enterprise Resource Planning,企业资源规划 ERP是由美国Gartner Group咨询公司在1993年首先提出的,作为当今国际上一个最先进的企业管理模式,它在体现当今世界最先进的企业管理理论的同时,也提供了企业信息化集成的最佳解决方案。它把企业的物流、人流、资金流、信息流统一起来进行管理,以求最大...

100分 求一份与六西格玛有关的文章(要英文包括汉语翻译各10000字左右...
答:Six Sigma seeks to identify and remove the causes of defects and errors in manufacturing and business processes.[1] It uses a set of quality management methods, including statistical methods, and creates a special infrastructure of people within the organization ("Black Belts" etc.) ...


翁学13850035732: 怎么看懂business process model -
紫阳县应纯:: 你好!business process model 业务过程模型

翁学13850035732: business executive是什么意思 -
紫阳县应纯:: business executive [英]ˈbiznis iɡˈzekjutiv [美]ˈbɪznɪs ɪɡˈzɛkjətɪv.经济领导工作者 [例句]Every international business executive understands what was going on..所有跨国企业的总裁都明白背后发生的事.

翁学13850035732: 药厂 business development 职责 -
紫阳县应纯:: BD的概念和职责 BD对很多人来说可能有些陌生,大多数听过这个词,但也不知道BD到底是干啥的. BD,全称也就是Business Development,直译过来称为“商务发展(拓展)”或者叫“业务发展(拓展)”. 在国外,无论大小医药公司,...