
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

be facinated with 与 be obsessed with的区别?
答:两个动词fascinate使神魂颠倒;obsess使心神不宁。被动态 facinated一般与by连用,表示着魔于...,而obsessed with 着迷于...。辨别二者,先看它们的词源:facinated在拉丁语里是fascinare(动词:迷惑、施展魔咒)的被动态,用汉语说就是"魔怔了",说明已经被"魔"征服了;obsess则由拉丁语obsidere(动词...

being obsessed 由这两个词组成的句子是什么语法?过去进行时还是被动...

答:I would like to build with you a sky of our own to be first-class. 5、我一直想谢谢你,...The Jade Hang Galaxy is constantly separated by Qingqing's affection. The distance beeen the o...but I'm obsessed with missing you; I'm foolish to love someone, but I'm obsessed with it...

备战2015GRE:核心词组之be obsessed with
答:difficult to think about anything else.例句He soon became obsessed with black and white photography as he believed that color rendition can be deceiving and will distract audience from the essential message conveyed by a photograph.GREBecause the painter Albert Pinkham Ryder was obsessed ...

英语翻译be obsessed in
答:be obsessed on痴迷于……中性 be obsessed in沉迷在…… 贬义 be obsessed with痴迷于…; 迷了心窍

到底是I'm obsess with you还是I'm obsessed with you?
答:◆程度上有不同:be obsess with 痴迷于 牵挂着 Your teachers obsess with you 你的老师 会牵挂着你;◆be obsessed with 沉迷于 ;痴迷于 ;迷恋 ;例如:People always wondered:why is he so obsessed with fishing?人们总是弄不明白,他为何能对钓鱼如此沉迷呢?

答:His nephew kindly invited him to the Christmas Eve party, but he thought his nephew refused to take advantage of him.Social activists asked him to give some Christmas food to the poor, which was ruthlessly and categorically rejected by him.2、故事内容 富有而冷漠无情,连乞丐都不愿...

答:be obsessed with 沉迷于某个事物 短语详细解释点此进入>> 3. 口味的执念 视频详见>> Olive : Everyday I e in, I pick a pie, I concentrate all my love on that pie. ‘Cause if I love it, someone else is gonna love it, and y'know what? By the end of the day, I've sold more...

答:Nowadays, with the development of cyber technology, more and more young people tend to be addicted with the internet.This is a problem that should be considered by both their family and the scholl. Of course, it's also a social problem. Young people are very esay to be infl...

初三学习压力大用英语说出几条解决办法(附加中文)跪求 速度啊谢谢了...
答:How to deal with pressure【By Kaiser3344】Junior high school students are often obsessed by peer pressure from their classmates or schoolmates. Facing others’ hard work and good performance in academic and other aspects, many students feel great pressure.Then, how to deal with this ...


督袁15796501274: 苛求完美;过度追求完美英语怎么说? -
市南区里厚:: (sb be) obsessed with perfection (or perfectionism).

督袁15796501274: 英语问题 -
市南区里厚:: 1,D,表假设.虚拟语气 如果它没有被替代,它会逐渐被生物的呼吸和化学反应例如燃烧消耗殆尽.2,C,表被谁用,被动语态. be+过去分词+by+动作的执行者

督袁15796501274: be obsessed with money什么意思 -
市南区里厚:: 被钱迷住心窍.be obsessed with 译为被....附上、缠住(迷住心窍)

督袁15796501274: 1They were obsessed by her song. 2They were obsessed by her song. -
市南区里厚:: 1They were obsessed by her song. 2They were obsessed by her song.这两个句子是一样的表示过去,用were 要是说现在就可以用are了

督袁15796501274: 痴迷于什么的英语句型 -
市南区里厚:: be Crazy about be obsessed with