
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

答:有的 be good for sth/to do sth 适合的; 相宜的:a good time for buying a house/to buy a house 买房子的适当时机 be good for sth = be good to do sth 两个意思是一样的

be good at doing sth是什么意思
答:be good at doing sth 的意思是“擅长于做某事”。如 1. He is good at singing.他擅长唱歌。2.She is good at swimming .她擅长游泳。3. They are good at playing basketball.他们擅长打篮球。简介:good在句中作定语时,表示“好的,愉快的”。good在句中用作表语时,表示善用(某物),善于...

be good to怎么用啊
答:这天气适合野营 就这句话来说 To是介词 所以be good to doing sth 适合做某事

be good at/for/to/with的用法和意思
答:1,be good at意为“擅长…”,后接名词、代词或ving形式。例如:I’m good at playing chess.=I’m good at chess我擅长下象棋。2,be good with意为与……相处得好”(关系好)。例如:He is very good with the children.他与这些孩子处得很好。3,be good to意为“对……友好。例如...

be good for、be good with、be good to、be good at的区别
答:同义词be kind to be friendly to 例子:my friend was good to me when I was ill 当我生病的时候,我的朋友对我很友好 never be good to you enemy 永远都不要对敌人友好(敌人的仁慈是对自己的残忍 Be good with后面接物和人是不一样的,with通常用来表达方式 后接sth.表擅长某事,后接sb...

begoodatsth与begoodatdoingsth 的区别是什么
答:例句:All of us want to be good at our jobs, but how good do we really want to be?我们每个人都想在我们的工作中干的不错,但是我们究竟想要有多不错(指程度)?2、be good at doing sth :擅长某事,擅长于某事。例句:Only through practice can one be good at doing things.只...

be good at doing sth.和be good at sth.区别
答:例句:He is good at playing soccer.他很擅长踢足球。I am good at running especially.我尤其擅长跑步。They are good at boating.他们擅长划船。He is good at building houses.他擅长盖房子。2. be good at sth.:擅长某事;在…方面很出色;举例:I am good at team work.我擅长团队合作。

be good for和be good to是什么意思啊?!
答 good to用法:It's good of sb 和It's good for sb 都可接to do sth,但含义不同。前者重在“人”很好,后者重在“事”很好。the good常可表示一类人或事。三、侧重点不同 good for侧重点:侧重于对谁有好处,可以是人也可以是物...

...not good for our health 还是it is not good to our health ?还是...
答:it is not good for our health 还是it is not good to our health ?be good for意思是“对……有好处”,从句意看应该选for,表示“对健康有好处”;be good to意思是“对……好”,如“They are good to me."他们对我很好。

be good to的用法
答:be good at 后面可以加sth. ,也可以加doing sth.


艾显13313672625: 造句 be good at doing sth -
大埔县皮陈:: I am good at playing basketball. 希望对你有帮助,先给你说上一个了,这个句型很简单

艾显13313672625: be good at doing sth造句加翻译 -
大埔县皮陈:: He is good at playing tennis. 他擅于打网球. I'm good at maths. 我数学好.

艾显13313672625: be good at +do sth还是 doing sth 或是其他的 - 作业帮
大埔县皮陈::[答案] be good at + doing sth