
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

be admitted to是什么意思
答:加入,被接纳 例 Children under 12 will not be admitted.十二岁以下的儿童不得入内。

be admitted to是什么意思及反义词
答:be admitted to 加入;例句:1.Neither the president nor the NATO chief mentioned the conflict, nor did they specificallytalk about the prospects that one day Georgia and Ukraine might be admitted to thealliance.总统和北约首领都没有提及这场冲突,也没有就未来格鲁尼亚和乌克兰可能被批准加入...

be admitted to是什么意思啊?

答:to为介词的动词短语有:be opposed to;devote oneself to;be devoted to;be admitted to;be reduced to;reduce…to;be attached to;be adjusted to;be known to;be exposed to;be compared to等等。部分短语的翻译及例句如下:1、be opposed to:反对。My mother is opposed to the new ...

答:被允许的英文是allowed,be admitted to,be accepted into。一、详细释义 1、allowed v.允许,许可;给予,让……得到;承认;允许进入;接受;听任。2、be admitted to被……录取;获准做某事;获准进入。3、be accepted into获准加入(accepted是accept的过去分词)。二、参考例句 1、Be admitted to...

be admitted to 与 be admitted with 之间有什么差别
答:be admitted to 获准做某事 强调做某事 be admitted with 被某某机构某人或者什么 获准/得到允许 强调允许你这么做的人或者机构

It was lucky for him to be admitted ___the university he had...
答:固定搭配:be admitted to…被…录取;句意:对他来说被他一直想要的大学所录取,这真是很幸运啊!故D正确。点评:本题考查了admitted的固定搭配。在高中的学习中平时要多积累词汇固定搭配,考试时只能凭借记忆力来答题,尤其是单项选择很难推出某个短语的意思,所以平时的积累记忆是尤其重要的。学生可以...

答:英文是: be admitted。be admitted [词典] 被录取; 被承认;[例句]The list of students to be admitted has been published.录取新生已经发榜。Strictly speaking, he shouldn't be admitted to the school.严格说来他不能被录取。My sister was lucky to be admitted to Beijing University.我...

答:be devoted to 献身于,忠诚于,爱…She is devoted to here husband.他挚爱他的丈夫。be admitted to被…录取 , 准进入 Li Ming is admitted to Beijing University.李明被北大录取。Children under 18 are not admitted to the film。未满18岁儿童不得入场看这场电影。be reduced to沦为 He was...

求关于be...to的词组。 如:be devoted to、be sentenced to、(to...
答:be devoted to 致力于;忠诚于 be admitted to 被…录取;准进入 be attached to附属于;喜欢;依恋 be adjusted to 适应 be known to 为…所知 be sentenced to被判处 be connected to 和…连在一起 be exposed to 暴露于;遭受 be/become/ get accustomed to//accustomed to 惯于;...


韶韦17648687431: admit可不可以加to do - 作业帮
兴仁县木鬼::[答案] 1.admit作为动词,中学阶段只须掌握下列用法和短语. 1)承认/供认 admit sth “承认/供认某事” admit doing sth = admit having done sth “承认做过某事” admit to (doing) sth “供认(做过)某事” admit sb/sth (to be) + 名词/形容词等 “承认某人/...

韶韦17648687431: 是sb be the admitted to还是sb be admitted to? -
兴仁县木鬼:: 明显是sb be admitted to

韶韦17648687431: The man is not to be admitted.这句话为什么要有to?没有to不行吗?为什么你们说的我全都不懂呢…… - 作业帮
兴仁县木鬼::[答案] 那个男人得不到认可. be admitted 是被动语态,to 在这里表示将来.

韶韦17648687431: 完成时被动语态怎么不用by -
兴仁县木鬼:: be admitted to+某大学..固定搭配,固搭固搭 被某大学承认(就是录取)

韶韦17648687431: 英语问题:这句话中的admitted为什么前面要加上个to?是固定搭配还是什么用法?All countries can take part if their athletes reach the standard to be ... - 作业帮
兴仁县木鬼::[答案] to be admitted to the games是动词不定式短语,作定语,修饰the standard.第一个to是动词不定式的标志.第二个to是固定搭配.