
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-30

at the expense of什么意思
答:at the expense of [英][æt ðə iksˈpens ɔv][美][æt ði ɪkˈspɛns ʌv]在损失[损坏]某事物的情况下;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.Karachi politics plays out at the expense of civilian lives.卡拉奇的政治运作是以...

at the expense of是什么意思
答:at the expense of 以为代价;付费;为代价;代价是 The orchestra has more discipline now, but at the expense of spirit.那个管弦乐团现在更有纪律性了,却丧失了灵魂。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O ...

at the expense of是什么意思
答:at the expense of[英][æt ðə iksˈpens ɔv][美][æt ði ɪkˈspɛns ʌv]在损失[损坏]某事物的情况下;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.Karachi politics plays out at the expense of civilian lives.卡拉奇的政治运作是以平...

at the expense of是什么意思
答:意思是:以…为代价。重点词汇:expense 英[ɪk'spens]释义:n.损失,代价;消费;开支 vt.向……收取费用;把……记入费用账户 vi.被花掉 [复数:expenses;第三人称单数:expenses;现在分词:expensing;过去式:expensed;过去分词:expensed]短语:depreciation expense折旧费 词语辨析:charg...

at the expense of的翻译
答:“at the expense of”是一个英语短语,意思是在损害(某人)的情况下获得某种利益。具体来说,“at the expense of”指通过牺牲他人的利益来获取利益,也可以表示以牺牲其他事物为代价来获得某种利益或好处。例如,在“He gained his wealth at the expense of his family”这个句子中,“at the ...

at the expense of在某人费用的情况下怎么回答?
答:professor表示“某校的教授”时,在校名前用in或at。用in属正式用法。Our professor is a man of profound learning.我们的教授是一个学识渊博的人。五、expense 1、含义:n. 费用;花费;代价。2、用法:14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自近代拉丁语的expensa,意为花费,消费,消耗。作名词的意思是“...

have to see more patients at the( expense )of quality. 问expense...
答:Primary care phyysicians have to see more patients at the( expense )of quality.expense在这里是【名词】。 at the expense of quality是【介词短语】,以牺牲...为代价, 它是短语

expense可以组成那些短语 分别是什么意思
答 the expense of 由...支付费用/以...为代价 an expense of 以...的费用 great /little expense 以巨大费用 /几乎不花钱地 4.spare no expense 不惜花费 5.put a person to expense 使人花钱,使人散财,使人负担费用 ...

请问at the cost of 、at the expense of 、at the price of 有啥区别...
答:它们三个都表示“要付出···的代价”,大多数情况下可以互相转换:If I decide to help you, it`ll be at the price of our lives.(如果我决定帮你的话,那得付出我们的生命。)也可以使用at the cost of/ at the expense of

答:expense前面用介词at。表示“花钱”的意思。at相关搭配有:at the expense of 以…为代价;由…支付费用 at the expense 以…为代价 at great expense 以巨大的代价 at no expense不花钱地,没有损失地 例句:Her fame was bought at the expense of her marriage.她出了名,却牺牲了她的婚姻。...


郎皇13079409890: at the cost of 和at the expense of的区别 -
青冈县赏凡:: 前者一般用于以什么为代价,后者一般是用于以什么价钱.侧重点不一样!

郎皇13079409890: 句中at the expense of 是什么意思 -
青冈县赏凡:: 以……为代价 人们花费他们四分之一醒着的时间用于电话或邮件交谈或发信息,这一切是以牺牲面对面交谈为代价的.

郎皇13079409890: at the cost of 和at the expense of的区别 - 作业帮
青冈县赏凡::[答案] 前者一般用于以什么为代价,后者一般是用于以什么价钱.侧重点不一样!

郎皇13079409890: at the expense - 作业帮
青冈县赏凡::[答案] 以……的代价,价格 I bought this book at the expense of 25 rmb. 我以25元的价格买了这本书.