
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-07 is not the same country as it used to be 中的as为什么做表语...
答:主语 = the town谓语 = 系动词 is(not)含否定表语 = the same country as it used to be 所以句子的主干结构是(主系表)结构,而(表语)中夹带了一个由 as 引导的(定语从句),而 as 在从句中的功能类似于(关系代词),在从句中充当(宾语),所以定语从句的结构是:it used to be a...

it used to be 这句子完整吗
答:it used to be.口语中可以说是完整的。在口语里表达,对话中意思为,“过去是”。可以完整句子:It used to be red.过去是红色的。接从句:It used to be that packaging and convenience were all the rage.在过去,人们看重的仅仅是食品的包装和方便程度。常用短语:as it used to be 往常 ...

完成句子之十四 China is no longer the same country...
答:China is no longer the same country ___ .(像以前那样的)正确答案可以使用:① China is no longer the same country 【as it used to be】.(像以前那样的)这是the 搭配的定语从句 ②China is no longer the same country 【as( it was) before】.(像以前那样的)as befo...

请帮帮忙翻译这首英文歌的中文意思。Russian red的《The memory is cur...
答:And your sleep will never be as good as it used to be 即使是在梦里,一切也不会像以前的感觉那么好 when the one you love is gone,因为你最爱的人和那段时光已经远去 when the one you love is gone 因为你最爱的人和那段时光已经远去 ...

my hometown is no longer the place ___it used to be

today life is not as it used to be 是什么从句
答:这是由从属连接词as引导的表语从句。表语从句的引导字主要有以下一些:一、从属连接词that、whether、as、as if、because。如:The problem is that I don't speak French.The problem is whether it's right for her.Today life isn't as it used to be.It looks as if it's going to rain.This is be...

用这几个句型造句急! 1.go out of their way it used to...
答:They go out of their way to make me feel at home。The village is no longer the same as it used to be.It is comfortable having an afternoon tea 。you wonld not believe how creative the Magic is。But there was no reason to be a thief,though you are poor ...

With time going by,China is not___it used to be
答:With time going by, China is not (what) it used to be thirty years ago.随着时间的推移,中国已不再是三十年前的中国。这里what引导的是一个名词从句, what在句中作it used to be的表语

读英语老是碰到那些as,the,it,where,has,have,这些 什么这个又是那个的...
答:Shanghai three months ago. 这块表跟我三个月前在上海观光时丢失的那块一样 3) as在从句中作be动词的表语 China is not the same country as it used to be. 中国已今非昔比 4) as在从句中作行为方式状语 You should learn to do housework in the same way as your mother does it...

would和used to的区别
答:(2)Yet,he cannot but remember China as it used to be.然而,他不会不记得旧日的中国(不能用would)。2. Would表示反复发生的动作。如果某一动作没有反复性,就不能用 would,只能用 used to。例如:(3) And from that day on, as soon as the table was clearedand the dishes ...


皇彪13846481991: It - -- - this way.A.used to do B.used to be done used to used to为什么?why? -
莱芜市衡罗:: B 这里涉及到used to 的几个用法 1. be used to 意为“习惯于”,其中的 to 是介词,所以其后要接名词或动名词(不能接动词原形); 如:He is used to looking after himself. 他已习惯于自己照顾自己 2. used to 意为“过去经常”,其中的 to 是不...

皇彪13846481991: The raver is not as clean as it used to. -
莱芜市衡罗:: 你好.你是对的,应该是- - - -used to be.因为所用的谓语动词是be. 以下句子到to就可以了,因为是行为动词:She doesn't work so / as hard as she used to又如:Mr.Wang isn't a teacher, but he wants to be (因为是be动词,所以be不能省略)Mr Wang doesn't work as a teacher,but he would like to(work as a teacher.).(因为work是行为动词,所以可以省略)

皇彪13846481991: 完成句子之十四 China is no longer the same country - _______ - .(像以前那样的)(问题有补充)我的答案(1)+网上搜到的答案( it used to ... - 作业帮
莱芜市衡罗::[答案] China is no longer the same country _________ .(像以前那样的)正确答案可以使用:① China is no longer the same country 【as it used to be】.(像以前那样的)这是the 搭配的定语从句②China is n...

皇彪13846481991: be used to do sth 的同义句转换怎么转 -
莱芜市衡罗:: be used to do sth 的同义句转换如下: be used to do sth = be used for doing sth 意思是被用来做某事. 例句: be used to do sth 1、It defines the looks of the boxes and arrows that can be used to do process modelling. 它定义了用于过程建模的方...

皇彪13846481991: People aren't so kind as they used to be这里的used to be 是什么用法 -
莱芜市衡罗:: 这句是用 so ... as 做前后对比 they used to be 避免重复所以省略了后缀的 kind. they used to be kind 他们(人们)过去一向很慷慨(或“待人和善”,要根据前后文语境来断定) they 代换 people