
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

answer the phone是什么意思
答:answer the phone 接电话 双语对照 词典结果:answer the phone [英][ˈɑ:nsə ðə fəun][美][ˈænsɚ ði fon]接电话;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.Assuming, that is, I could work out how to answer the phone.这也就是说,我可...

answer the phone是什么意思
答:answer the phone v.接电话 电话情缘;随时接听电话;去接电话 例句 1.Answer the phone! Get off the phone!接电话!把电话挂掉!2.Sure, just a moment. . . . I'm sorry no one answer the phone.当然,稍等…对不起没有人接电话。3.Someone called me up in the middle of the night...

answer the phone怎么读?
答:英 [ˈɑ:nsə ðə fəun] 美 [ˈænsɚ ði fon]接电话 双语例句 1. I was twice called off from my work today to answer the phone. 今天我两次丢下工作去接电话。来自《简明英汉词典》2. All I have to do in my job is answ...

答:接电话的英语是:answer the phone。例句 He or she is unlikely to answer the phone, speak to anyone and do anything except sit and watch.他/她不接电话、不跟任何人讲话、也不做任何事,只是坐在那里盯着电视看。answer 英 ['ɑːnsə] 美 ['ænsɚ]n. 答复...

答:nsə(r)]vt.& vi. 答复; 解答; 答辩; 适应;n. 回答; 答案; 反应; 足以媲美的人;phone:phone 英 [fəʊn] 美 [foʊn]n. 电话; 听筒; (发声或使用声音的)工具; 说某种语言的;vt.& vi. 打电话(给某人);显而易见,answerthephone便是”接听电话“...

answer the phone和receive the phone有什么区别
答:answer the phone意为“接听电话”receive the phone意为“接收到电话”主要是指信号不好的地方接收到电话信号

pick up等于answer the phone在句子里分别怎么用?
答:1.pick up用在口语中,可以表示“接电话”。即,pick up (the phone)。例如,I picked up when he called me yesterday.句意:他昨天给我打电话,我接了。pick up还可表示“接收信号,收听节目”等,但都常用在口语中。2.answer the phone是正式用语,phone不可省略。例句,I went into the ...

答:answer the phone 接电话用英语怎么说 接电话:1. to pick up the telephone 2. to lift the telephone 3. put *** . on to 4. answer the telephone 5. answer the phone Examples:1. 电话 *** 响时请你接电话好吗?Will you answer the telephone if it rings?2. 他懒得甚至不愿接...

answer the phone和receive the phone什么区别
答:answer the phone:是回电话(某人来电话了,但是你不在,麻烦你回下他电话吧:somebody called you just now,but you weren't here,please answer the phone,thank you);receive the phone:是听电话(某人来电话了,请接听电话:somebody is calling you,please receive the phone);


官枯15739551957: answer the phone(接电话)改写成现在进行时是直接加ing吗?还是结尾重音双写加ing? - 作业帮
尧都区禹袁::[答案] ing

官枯15739551957: answer the phone为什么要加the -
尧都区禹袁:: the是定冠词,对话双方都知道的要加定冠词. 记住,可数名词前必须有the,a,one,my,等等一类的定语.

官枯15739551957: 有关英语的题目1.写过去式answer the phone_________ - pick up leaves_____________collect insects_________ - - 作业帮
尧都区禹袁::[答案] 1.answered the phone 2.picked up leaves 3.collected insects 这几个动词的过去式都是正规变化的,直接加ed就行了