
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

答:一、advise somebody to do something 建议某人做某事 二、advise doing something 建议做某事 例句一:The teacher advises his students to speak English more.汉语翻译:老师建议他的学生多说英语。例句二:He advised getting up early.汉语翻译:他建议早点起床。advise + that 从句,从句实用虚拟语气...

advise do sth.和advise sb. doing sth.的区别
答:只能说advise do sth,而绝对不能说advise sb. doing sth.advise的用法搭配有两种:advise do sth建议某人做某事。advise doing sth.建议做某事。如:He advised going to the movie.他建议去看电影。He advised us to go to the movie.他建议我们去看电影。一英语词汇的重要性 (1...

advice sb to do还是do?
答:advice sb to do sth,翻译为建议某人做某事。advise,后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词doing;但若其后接的动词前已经有宾语,动词用作宾语补足语时,则要用不定式to do。advise doing中间不能有宾语,advise sb. doing sth.这种表达方式是错误的。advice例句:1、Do you have any advice ?你能给我...

i advise waiting till tomorrow morning什么句型?
答:主谓宾结构。这是个一般现在时的肯定句,里边含advise doing的用法。意思是:我建议等到明天上午。主谓宾结构简介:主谓宾结构为一种文法的语序,即语法顺序为主语—谓语—宾语的结构,像英文的"I eat apples"就是一个例子,在此范例中I为主词(主语,人),eat为动词(谓语动词),apples为名词(宾语...

建议做某事 用英语怎么说? 在线等
答:建议做某事 recommend doing sth suggest doing sth advise doing sth The doctor recommended me to take a long rest.医生劝我长期休养 I recommend going by bus.我建议坐公共汽车去。The minister advised him to leave as soon as possible...部长建议他尽快离开。I suggested to Mike that we...

advise sb/ sth to do sth/ suggest sb/ sth do sth区别是什么?_百度...
答:一、advise sb to do 建议某人做某事 advise 英 [ədˈvaɪz] 美 [ædˈvaɪz]vt.(商业)通知,报告;提议,建议 vi.接受劝告,商量;建议,提供意见 1、It would be irresponsible of me not to advise my company to abandon this project 若我不建议...

advise to do 还是advise doing?
答:一般来说是advise doing,但存在advise sb to do sth。advise 后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词,不用不定式;但若其后接的动词前有宾语,此动词用作宾语补足语时,则此动词要用不定式。一、advise doing中间不能有宾语,不能说advise sb doing。1、He advised leaving early.他建议早点动身。2、I ...

答:suggest sb doing sthpropose sb doing sthpropose to do sthadvise/suggest/propose doing sth 这些够了吧 评论| 2013-10-15 19:28zz406482959|四级 suggest to do something, to 是可以省略掉的. 例如 I suggest you ask him some specific questions about his past. 评论| 2013-10-15 19:26sancxin|...

答:advise sb. to do sth.读法 英 [ədˈvaɪz] 美 [ədˈvaɪz]v. 劝告,建议;劝告,建议;通知,告知 vi. 建议;与…商量 词汇搭配:Advise And Consent 华府千秋 ; 华府风云 ; 叱咤风云 please advise 请指导 ; 请回复 ; 请告知 词语用法:advise的基本...


居珊18271507259: advise的句型 -
八宿县郑沈:: 1. advise + 名词 / 代词 例如: Li Ming advised a swim after school. 李明建议放学以后去游泳. 2. advise + sb. + 不定式短语 在这个句式中,不定式短语作 advise 的宾语补足语.例如: He often advised people to use their brains . 他常常劝人多...

居珊18271507259: 关于advise的语法都写出来,准确性...例如:advise do sth. - 作业帮
八宿县郑沈::[答案] advise 几种常见用法归纳如下. 1. advise + 名词 / 代词 例如: Li Ming advised a swim after school. 李明建议放学以后去游泳. She will advise you about the right thing to do. 她会帮你出主意该怎么办. What would you advise ? 你有什么建议? 2. advise ...

居珊18271507259: adcice,suggestion,suggest的用法 -
八宿县郑沈:: advice是不可数名词,比如一些建议,some advice;advise是动词,advise sb. doing sth.;suggestion是可数名词,一些建议,some suggestions;suggest是动词,suggest sb. doing sth.

居珊18271507259: Advise sb into(out of) doing sth 建议某人(不)做某事. Advise(to sb)(that)sb(s -
八宿县郑沈:: advise 有几个用法:advise doing,advise sb on sth,advise sb to do sth, advise sb against (doing) sth, 建议某人不做某事 advise sb that sb (should) do sth, 从句 advise sb +疑问词,比如 when to leave 你书上的第一个advise sb into(out of) doing sth不是常见的组合,至少词典上没有这种搭配. 但不排除有上下文的时候可以这样用.第二个advise to sb 是错的.这种结构通常用名词advice.