
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

答:16. be responsible for为……负责 He was responsible for making plans for the meeting. 他负责做会议计划。 17. pay for为……付钱,赔偿 We have to pay 345 yuan for the cost of the trip. 我们必须为这次旅行交345元。 18. for free免费地,无偿地 The website provides English vocabulary to eve...

free pascal中for语句的具体意思。 比如 for i=1 to 100 do s=s+_百...
答:for 是循环语句,指自i=1、i=2 、i=3一直到i=100是都执行一遍s=s+i。也可以这样理解:先判断i是否在1~100中,如果是,则执行一遍s=s+i,当然i是在for语句结束时自动累加1。

答:You get 100 dollars cash rebate (如果是送代金券 voucher for freem) for every 300 dollors spent.买300立减100 You get 100 dollars off for every 300 dollors spent.满200减100 You get 100 dollars off for every 200 dollors spent.满198送98元券 You get 98 dollars voucher for free...

以free topic为题的100个单词的英语作文
答:I am ten years old now, I am in a primary school, in my class, I have many friends. My friends and I get along with each other well, they will help me when I am in trouble. When the activity race comes, my class gets united and fight for the first place, I am so...

C语言编程 100以内整数加减法
答:)%90+10;//产生20个10到99间的随机数 printf("请输入答案,共10道题:\n"); for(i=0;i<10;i+=2) {//取前10个数,组成5个加法题 printf("%d+%d=",a[i],a[i+1]); scanf("%d",&answer); if(a[i]+a[i+1]==answer) score+=10;//对了加10分 } for(;...

答:又由于9999999*100仍未超出int范围,所以用求出的位数除以7向上取整作为申请int数组的长度,将每个数组元素视作10000000进制单元操作,单元内部按十进制计数;操作完成后由高位到低位依次将各元素数据输出到屏幕连成一个大数。举例代码如下:include "stdio.h"#include "stdlib.h"#include "math.h"int main...


答:With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. This will be the day, this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing...

(加分)帮帮忙翻译 在线等 急
答:票价 ticket price 成人(adult) 100/人 adult 100/each 1.10米以上儿童 50/人 child under1.0m 50/each 1.10米以下儿童 免费 child above1.0m free 开放时间 opening hours 星期一~星期五 Monday - Friday 上午9:00~下午5:30 9.00am.-5.30pm.星期六~星期天 Sat...

2折起 英语怎么翻译阿
答:for all goods: 75%-50% off 部分满200减80 for certain goods: pay 80 less if the amount is 200 or more 部分商品两件80元 for certain goods: 80 yuan for tow items 满280元赠T恤一件 get a T-shirt for free if the amount is 280 or more 新款200减100 for new arrivals: ...


却紫14732386630: 满100元送100箱橙汁用英语怎么说? -
诸城市元超:: Full 100 yuan to send 100 boxes of orange juice

却紫14732386630: 奥运英语词汇 -
诸城市元超:: 田径: trackmiddle-distance/long run 短跑/中/长距离跑 marathon 马缤松 relay race;relay 接力 hurdles;hurgle race 跨栏 walking;walking race 竞走 steeplechase 障碍...

却紫14732386630: 求1~100之间的奇数的和(free pascal)急急急急急急急急! -
诸城市元超:: program Sum; var i,T:longint; begin T:=0; for i:=1 to 100 do if odd(i) then T:=T+i; writeln(T); end.手打求最佳

却紫14732386630: 一百年后中学生的生活英语作文 -
诸城市元超:: As the time goes by,i guess 100 years later ,the students may study at home in stead of study at school.As we know,the computer and internet technology is universalize in our country,and the new generation is always looking forward the free style of ...