
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-25

答:1.You can't go into the teacher's office without his admission.2.The wounded soldier came to life again.3.The place attrcts many tourists there.希望你能够采纳哟!

答:造句:The admission fee for the museum is $10 per person. (该博物馆的入场费是每人10美元。)The university has strict admission requirements, including high grades and standardized test scores. (该大学有严格的入学要求,包括高分数和标准化考试成绩。)

答:She has the qualifications for admission to the college.她具备进入该学院的条件

admission 和 accessible 和attend 组成一个句子?
答:要将这三个词放在一个句子中,可以如下造句:Only by attending the accessible classes provided by this school, you can get admission.

be admitted,Admission offic,director造句
答:The director is admitted to the Admission Office.主任被允许进入招生办公室。

答:还有另一个情况也蛮常见的, 比如你跟人家说, 我能不能占用你一点点的时间, 你会怎么造句? 没想到老美也是用 get 就搞定了。 他们会说, “Can I get you a second?” 这句话也是很漂亮吧! 这些都是我在日常生活中跟老美学来的句子喔! 7. Tell everybody to get involved this activity. 告诉每个人...

答:secondary school students.有小学生也有中学生。The primary school is compulsory, and the pupils go to their local schools.初级学校教育是义务制教育,学生都在当地的学校就读。Reputation of undergrad school is important for grad school admission.本科学校的声望对于研究生院的录取来说很重要。

答:They got talking and didn't notice the time. [他们谈了起来并没有注意时间。]5.用于“get+过去分词”;这时get表示的是相当于become(即系动词)的意思,后面的过去分词属形容词范畴(即形容词化的过去分词),作主语补语。例如:He got very worried. [他变得很担心。]She gets easily excited. [她很容易激动...

sacerdotalis造句 sacerdotalisの例文
答:用 sacerdotaps 造句挺难的 This is what has occurred with " Ordinatio Sacerdotaps " in regard to point ( 1 ), according to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Whatever argument is used in favor of the priestly ordination of women, there is the problem of reconcipng this ...


陶嵇18481147727: 怎么知道“录取通知书”英语怎么说 -
省直辖行政单位郭裴:: 通俗的说法就是 offer 或者 letter of admission

陶嵇18481147727: 录取通知书英语 - 请问“病危通知书录取通知书”用英语怎么说,谢谢
省直辖行政单位郭裴:: 补充下: 病危通知书: critical condition notice critical condition (病的)危险状态; (病的)危急状态; 录取通知书: admission/acceptance notice

陶嵇18481147727: admission是什么意思
省直辖行政单位郭裴:: admission [英][ədˈmɪʃn][美][ædˈmɪʃən] n.准许进入; 承认; 坦白; 入场费; 复数:admissions 例句: 1. The admission will intensify doubts about the election result. 阿巴斯的承认将加深人们对选举结果的怀疑. 2. Maintain eye contact throughout your admission. 在承认错误的过程中保持眼神交流.