
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10

答:The Story of the Three Little Pigs 旁白:There was an old mother with three little pigs, and as she had not enough to keep them, she sent them out to seek their fortune.妈妈:Goodbye,kids!build your own house,but be careful of the wolf.三只小猪:goodbye,mum.旁白:three ...

答:The Three Little Pigs Once upon a time there were three little pigs and the time came for them to leave home and seek their fortunes.Before they left, their mother told them " Whatever you do , do it the best that you can because that's the way to get along in the ...


答:The Three Little Pigs Once upon a time there were three little pigs and the time came for them to leave home and seek their fortunes.Before they left, their mother told them " Whatever you do , do it the best that you can because that's the way to get along in the ...

答:中文版:猪妈妈生了三只可爱的小猪,三只小猪彼此友爱,一家人一直过著幸福快乐的日子。 有一天,猪妈妈向三只小猪说:“你们都长大了,应该自己出去盖一间属於自己的房子了”。然后啊,三只小猪向猪妈妈告别后,就真的出去盖了一间属於自己的房子。老大盖的是草屋,老二盖的是木屋,老三最聪明了,...

答:目前较为流传的版本因针对儿童心理而修改过,猪吃狼的情节修改掉,二哥盖木屋,三弟盖了砖屋,并用巧计赶走大野狼,还把大野狼给煮来吃了,将狼吃猪。寓意做事情要做就要做到最好三只小猪是兄弟 怎么给幼儿讲三只小猪盖房子的故事 猪妈妈有三个孩子,老大叫呼呼,老二叫噜噜,还有一个老三叫嘟嘟。有一天,猪妈妈对...

答:它嚎叫着夹着尾巴逃走了,再也不敢来找三只小猪的麻烦了。扩展资料:三只小猪英文版In a remote mountain village and lived a mother pig and her three cute little pigs. Mother every day, the pig hard up, still can be do nothing.One evening, after dinner, a mother pig to the children before ...

答:The Three Little Pigs Once upon a time there were three little pigs and the time came for them to leave home and seek their fortunes.Before they left, their mother told them " Whatever you do , do it the best that you can because that's the way to get along in the ...

答:The Story of the Three Little Pigs旁白:There was an old mother with three little pigs, and as she had not enough to keep them, she sent them out to seek their fortune.妈妈:Goodbye,kids!build your own house,but be careful of the wolf.三只小猪:goodbye,mum.旁白:three pigs...


萧知13426606764: 三只小猪 英语
青海省白行:: Three Little Pigs(三只小猪) 这里面有图和英文故事,不错的:)~~http://whlygs.whedu.net/english/Article_Print.asp?ArticleID=353Pat, Pete and Parker are brothers. They live(住) on a farm. Pat likes to eat. Pete likes to sleep. He often(经常...

萧知13426606764: 三只小猪英语故事,3 - 6分钟的,急求!!!!快点啊啊啊 -
青海省白行:: there are three little pigs. they live in a small house with their mother. "this house is too small. the three of you must leave home. you must build your own homes," says the mother pig one day. the first little pig gets some hay. "i will build a ...

萧知13426606764: 三只小猪1到61集主要内容(英语) -
青海省白行:: The three little pigs, pig and pig boss recommended to do a second huts, so the two lazy pig let the wolf take advantage. But the third pig is more diligent, built a large brick house. One day the wolf, the boss Dick got into trouble, thanks to the timely rescue of the third pig was out of danger......

萧知13426606764: 简短的三只小猪英文剧本 -
青海省白行:: TheStoryoftheThreeLittlePigs 旁白:Therewasanoldmotherwiththreelittlepigs,andasshehadnotenoughtokeepthem,shesentthemouttoseektheirfortune. 妈妈:Goodbye,kids!buildyourownhouse,butbecarefulofthewolf. 三只小猪:goodbye,mum. 旁白:...