
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-04-30

Plastic rings that are also used to hold some notebooks together come from petroleum.

Today, many fish are caught before they are old enough to reproduce.

For example, elephants give birth to a calf once every four or five years.

Overhunting is also blamed for the extinction of giant lemurs in Madagascar, moas in New Zealand, and giant kangaroos in Australia, among many other animals are also threatened by overhunting because some people think that the money obtained from animal skins is worth the danger.
过度猎杀也造成了马达加斯加大狐猴、新西兰大鸟和澳大利亚巨型袋鼠的灭绝。 许多其他的动物也被过度猎杀所威胁,因为有些人认为从兽皮中获取金钱值得冒险。

Renewable resources are those that can be replaced by a natural process given enough time. 可再生资源是那些能够通过一个给予充分时间的自然过程而被取而代之的。

Will my company help Mary arrange a flight ticket and which flight does meet her time scheme ? Here is a current available timetable for her to select and let us know when this departure time is decided.


"机票是我们公司帮玛丽订吗?另外航班您想订哪个时间的?" 这部分的翻译我使用了"英文并列句"。

"附件有图片您可以参考一下,您确定的了话我再去预定。" 这里也是使用了"英文并列句型"

help, let 是英文中的使役动词,一般除了紧跟的"宾语"之外,经常还会跟一个"宾语补足语"(object complement)

My dream is to become a flight attendant, so I can soar in the vast blue sky.
air hostess/stewardess 有时带贬义。flight attendant 专业一些。

I am eager to see my heroes hold up the championship cup before me.
idol 一般指歌星影星。体育明星称为英雄。

My dream is to turn my dreams into reality.

1.My dream is to become an air hostess,wing in the blue sky.
3.My dream is to let my dream come true.

1.my dream is to be an Air Hostess ,flying in the sky.
2.i am eager to hold the winner cup front of my baal.
3.my dream is to make my dream comes true.

1.My dream is to become a stewardess, flying in the blue sky.
2.I am anxious to see my idol in front of me and I hold the championship
3. My dream is to make my dream become a reality.


1. My dream becomes a stewardess, soars in the blue sky .
2. I longed for sees my idols to lift the champion awarding cup infront of me.
3. My dream is enables my dream to become the reality

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