
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-01

Electronic and Information Engineering
Electronic and Information Engineering is the information industry and the important foundation for one of the pillars. It circuits and systems, signal and information processing, microwave and electromagnetic field theory, to study various information, such as voice, text, images, radar, remote sensing and other information processing, exchange and wireless, cable, fiber optic cable and other transmission.Based on this study and development of electronic and information systems.
Professional training with the electronic technology and information systems knowledge base, be engaged in all kinds of electronic equipment and information systems research, design, manufacture, application and development of high-level engineering talent. May engage in signal processing, transmission, switching and detection technology research and teaching work, electronic equipment and systems development, production and application, electronic technology, computer technology and the application and development of microwave technology, application and development.
Trunk disciplines : electronic science and technology, information and communication engineering, computer science and technology.
Main courses : Series circuit theory courses, computer technology courses, information theory and coding, Signals and systems, digital signal processing, electromagnetic theory, control theory, sensor technology.
Major professional experiments : the professional completed at least one direction of a team of professional experiments.


[名] Electronic and Information Engineering
Her major is electronic and information engineering.


“电子信息工程专业”英文:Electronic and Information Engineering。


  1. professional意译为"职业的,专业的"。中文意译professional,意译为“职业的;专业的”,常被许多软件产品作为后缀,意即“专业版”。

  2. major意为成年人;主修科目;陆军少校,在大学期间pre-med和本科专业是两回事, 任何准备上医学院的本科生不管专业(Major)是什么都可以称自己是pre-med。

  3. area意为(学习、工作、思想、活动等的)领域,范围,方面

  4. agency意为一国政府内或联合国管辖下的) 专业行政机构(或部门);也有代理的意思。

    Electronic and Information Engineering(电子信息工程专业),如果想表达大学修的专业,建议你用major;表达某一领域的专业,用area单词。

  • “专业”,“电子信息工程专业”用英语怎么说?
    答:电子信息工程专业electronic and information engineering 例如:my major is electronic and information engineering
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  • 电子信息工程专业 用英语怎么说?
    答:Electronic and Information Engineering
  • 电子信息专业英语翻译
    答:Electronic and Information Engineering 电子信息工程 Electronic and Information Engineering is the information industry and the important foundation for one of the pillars. It circuits and systems, signal and information processing, microwave and electromagnetic field theory, to study various ...
  • 电子信息工程英文缩写?
    答:Electronic Information Engineering,缩写为EIE。电子信息工程已经涵盖了社会的诸多方面。电子信息工程专业是集现代电子技术、信息技术、通信技术于一体的专业。本专业培养掌握现代电子技术理论、通晓电子系统设计原理与设计方法,具有较强的计算机、外语和相应工程技术应用能力。面向电子技术、自动控制和智能控制、...
  • "电子信息工程"用英语怎么说
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