
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-05-17

Prepare - Research what you want to sell using Completed Listings. Have credit card and bank information ready for verification.

Before listing an item on eBay, it's a good idea to research similar items that have already been sold successfully on the site. You can find great information on pricing, features, and key "buzz words" that attract buyers--and compare your item to others in the marketplace by using Completed Listings

Completed Listings shows you which items sold and at what price which will help in pricing your items. Also it indicates what each seller charged for shipping. When you are ready to sell just click the link "List an item like this" to get started.

There are three easy ways to research previously sold items:

1. Completed Listings filter within a search

Find a set of items that are similar to the one you would like to sell by using keyword search or by browsing the categories. Then click the "Completed Listings" filter in the "Search Options" area on the left side of the page and click the "Show Items" button below it.
用关键词搜索或者通过浏览产品类别找到一系列跟你的产品类似的目录。然后在页面左边“搜索选项 ”里面点击“完整的广告”选项,点击下面的“显示目录 ”按钮。

2. Completed Listings Hub

Goto the Completed Listings hub and begin browsing by category the items that have already ended. You will need to sign-in in order to see these items.

3. Completed Listings in advanced search

Click the "Advanced Search" link in the header to goto the "Search: Find Items" page. Check the box beside "Completed listings only." Then fill in all the parameters for the item you are researching and press the "Search" button.

List - Give some thought to your item description, and take a photo. Then fill out the Sell Your Item form.
发布- 构思好你的产品目录描述,准备好照片。然后填写 卖你的产品 表格

Sell Your Item in 6 Easy Steps!
卖你的产品 在简单的六步之内

Sell now on eBay, it's fun, fast and easy. Sell Your Item Overview will walk you through the listing process, step by step.

1. chose a format
Once you choose a format, you're ready to begin.

2. select a category

The suggested categories tool can help you choose the best category for your item. You can also look at other items currently on eBay to find out which categories other sellers chose for their items.

3. Title & Discription

Be clear and descriptive to create interest. Remember that buyers search for items based upon the words in the item titles, so be sure to include words that buyers would search for. Make sure to include the condition of your item and any other details that a buyer should know.

4. pictures & details

Choose the price at which you would like to start your item. eBay Picture Services then lets you add pictures right from the selling form. Adding pictures to your listings will help buyers know what they are bidding on and remember, the first picture you add is free! In order to make your items stand out on eBay, you can also choose to add listing features like Gallery or Bold

5. payment & shipping

PayPal is the fast, easy and secure way to accept payments. Include a flat fee for shipping and handling costs or add a shipping calculator based on your buyers mailing address.

6. review & submit

Make sure that you've checked all spelling and details of your item and you are ready to submit your listing.

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