
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-02

June the 9th was my birthday.I held a party and invited my best friend Judy.Judy took a present for me on that day.It was a oblong green backpack,40cm long and 30cm wide.I like it very much and I thanked Judy very much.I really had a great time on that day!

hi dear ,

How are you doing ?
Here we are going to have an international meeting , so we need 3 interpriter ,so I'm just thinking if you have time to do me a favor . As I know you are great in Chinese now , so I think it would be fun if you join us , to work together it would be too much appreciate . The meeting will be on March 4th to March 7th , but we should be there advance , from 8 am tp 6 pm , during this time have 2 hours for lunch . Also , we still need one more , so I'm wondering if you may ask your friend who at that time can join us .

thanks a lot dear ,I'm looking for your answer .

All my best ,

Linda opened a noodle house, supply a variety of delicious noodles, in order to attract customers, Linda ready to own noodle house doing an ad, if you were Linda, you according to the following information is Linda'sHouse ofNoodles write ads. Location: in Green Street, is located between the Bank and post office. Features: noodles delicious, shops clean-spacious noodles types: beef noodle soup. Mutton surface. Chicken noodle, cabbage. Special information: weekend, the big bowl of noodles, $ 5 in $ 4 Bowl chicken noodle, small bowl cabbage surface $ 3

Enjoy your delicious noodles!
Located in Green Street,between the bank and the post-office.
Clean restaurant with large space.
We offer different tastes of noodles with beef,mutton,chicken with cabbage.
Favourable infor. Weekends,beef noodles within large bowl cost only 5 Yuan,4 yuan for chicken noodles within middle-sized bowl,and 3 yuan for cabbage noodles with small bowl.
Welcome!Enjoy your noodles at our restaurant!


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